
Senin, 01 Agustus 2011


Is guaranteed to be trouble when the students from Indonesia was in Philippina, which is why there while it requires a connection with electrically. Indeed there is a difference though his legs are both two, to Indonesia two-legged type of round, while in Philippina flat two-legged type. This is what should be anticipated so that when it comes in philipine no difficulty.Dijamin pasti kesulitan ketika mahasiswa yang berasal dari Indonesia sedang berada di Philippina, sebabnya ada yakni ketika sedang membutuhkan koneksi dengan elektrik. Sungguh ada perbedaan kendati kakinya sama-sama dua, untuk Indonesia berkaki dua bertipe bulat, sedangkan di Philippina berkaki dua bertipe pipih. Inilah yang harus diantisipasi agar ketika datang di philipina tiada kesulitan.

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